ECI REC Gets Power from Diverse Sources
Alternative energy sources are a big piece of the future of electricity generation in America. ECI REC and its power supplier, Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO), continue to invest in renewable energy production. By investing in renewable energy, CIPCO enables its member distribution systems like ECI REC to offer carbon-free energy options.
CIPCO maintains a balanced portfolio of energy sources and is committed to environmentally-friendly energy through a divers mix of wind, hydro, solar, landfill gas, natural gas, coal, and oil energy resources. Nearly 60% of CIPCO's electricity is generated from carbon-free resources, minimizing the impact to our environment. All or some of the renewable energy credits associated with this generation may have been sold or may be sold in the future, to other parties, or may be used to comply with future regulatory requirements.
CIPCO's Utility-Scale Solar Project
Urbana Solar Acres - New in 2016
East-Central Iowa REC and CIPCO launched a utility-based solar project to serve members throughout the service territory. The multi-site project is the first phase in CIPCO’s long-term plan to incorporate solar into the generation mix.
Utility-scale solar provides reliable, clean electricity generation for members of ECI REC and complements CIPCO’s existing renewable energy generation portfolio. The development and installation costs for utility-scale systems are significantly below those of residential-scale solar and provide benefits to all members within the system. Members of all income levels will benefit from this project. The addition of utility-scale solar increases ECI REC's support of emissions- and carbon-free generation resources.
Additional Resources
Live output reporting for the Urbana Solar Acres utility-scale system
News and Events
March 29, 2016, news release - "ECI REC & CIPCO Launch Utility-Scale Solar Generation in Urbana"
August 22, 2016, site progress - "Members are invited 2735 Bing Miller Lane, Urbana