Trees are one of nature's most beautiful creations. Trees can also cause interruptions of electric power to homes and businesses if they are not properly maintained. ECI REC will remove any vegetation that interferes with the Cooperative lines to the meter pole to keep electricity flowing and maintain safety. Please call 877-850-4343 if you feel limbs are threatening ECI distribution lines and equipment.
Safe Planting Tips
Consider the mature height of the trees you plant.
Do not plant any tree near overhead power lines that can grow to 25 feet tall--a mature height of less than 15 feet is recommended.
Do not plant trees and bushes near underground utility services. Roots interfere with underground pipes, cables, and wires. Future repairs to these facilities also could damage the health of nearby plants and trees.
Keep areas around electric meters, transformers, or other electrical equipment free of any vegetation that could limit utility service access.
At least 48 hours before digging, call Iowa One Call at 800-292-8989 so that the locations of underground utilities can be marked.