Look who visited ECI REC headquarters! Our 2023 Iowa Youth Tour representatives, Keelie Curtis and Lizzy Kremer, recently met up with CEO Teresa Floyd and Human Resources Director Katie Stadheim, who also served as a chaperone this year.
In the past, our Youth Tour reps would give a presentation at our Annual Meeting of the Members. Now that the meeting has gone virtual, the presentation does not take place. But Keelie and Lizzy still wanted to share their experience.
“I was so thrilled the ladies reached out to see if they could stop by and ask a few questions and share some of the highlights of the 2023 trip!” said CEO Floyd. “During Youth Tour, these students gained a firsthand understanding of the legislative process and made connections with other student leaders from across the country that will last a lifetime. We look forward to continuing the Youth Tour tradition for years to come.”
Keelie and Lizzy were selected and sponsored by ECI REC. They were joined in Washington, D.C., by more than 1,800 delegates and chaperones from 44 states. Iowa’s locally owned electric cooperatives were represented by 44 high school students and chaperones. This year, the Youth Tour took place June 17–23. Students had many awesome experiences, including touring the Capitol and various memorials, attending Sunset Parade, listening to keynote speaker Mike Schlappi, competing in Youth Tour Night, and going on a dinner cruise. According to Keelie and Lizzy, it was the highlight of their summer.
ECI REC was proud to send these two young women to our nation’s capital! Thank you to them and to Katie Stadheim for being such awesome representatives of ECI REC and Iowa.
To learn more about Keelie and Lizzy, check out their profiles on our website!
About the NRECA Youth Tour
Iowa’s electric cooperatives were among the first to send students to Washington, D.C., back in 1958. This year marked the 65th anniversary of the journey. Students apply and are selected for this program by their local electric cooperative. Nationally, over 50,000 students have participated in this program over the decades. For more information, visit www.youthtour.coop.