The following charges apply to some of the electric services ECI REC provides to its member-consumers.
Disconnect of member-owned outdoor light: $100* trip charge
Disconnect Power (non-remote trip charge): $150*
Locate member-owned underground electric facilities: $100*
- ECI REC will locate its underground facilities at no charge. There is a charge to locate underground facilities belonging to the member-consumer.
Locate member-owned underground fault (damaged, or otherwise): $100*
- If a member-consumer suspects their underground facility has caused a power failure, ECI REC will locate the source of the failure for a fee.
Power outage/disruption service call:
Mon.-Fri. regular hours (between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.): $150*
Mon.-Fri. overtime hours (between 2:01 p.m. and 7:59 a.m.): $300*
Saturday and Sunday: $300*
When a member-consumer loses power, it is the member-consumer's responsibility to determine if the problem originates in their own wiring. If ECI REC is called out, and the problem is determined to be with the member-consumer's wiring, the Cooperative may charge a service call fee.
Reconnect power (non-remote):
Mon.-Fri. regular hours (between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.): $150*
Mon.-Fri. overtime hours (between 2:01 p.m. and 7:59 a.m.): $300*
Saturday and Sunday: $300*
Meter test (prepay before test): $150*
- A meter test will determine if your meter is recording accurately. If the meter is running inaccurately, there is no charge for the test.
Returned check (non-sufficient funds): $30
Non-payment posting charge: $150
- A posting charge will result when a lineman drives to post an "account due to lack of payment" or "receipt of a check with NSF."
Non-payment disconnect (remote): $50
Non-payment reconnect (remote):
Mon.-Fri. regular hours (between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.): $50*
Mon.-Fri. overtime hours (between 3:01 p.m. and 7:29 a.m.): $75*
Saturday and Sunday: $75*
* Plus any applicable state and local taxes.